Advanced Electronic Motor Solutions

Carpenter Technology helps customers strengthen their competitive edge by rethinking the boundaries of alloy materials used in stator and rotor stacks for e-motors and electrified transportation. Performance benefits of these motors include:

  • An extended range with a 20% improvement in motor torque and acceleration
  • A reduced battery pack that reduces weight and size
  • An increased payload capacity with the ability to adjust the form factor and the weight of power trains

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Electric Motor Solution  Product Information

Advancing Electrification through Solutions for Power Dense Motors

Carpenter Technology supplies soft magnetic alloys and stator/rotor stacks designed to advance the performance of e-motors and electrified transportation. Electric vehicles of the future will require higher motor performance with reduced size, weight, and current draw while delivering the same torque/speed output. Power dense motors (power-to-weight ratio) can provide optimized powertrains providing significant benefits to the next generation of electric vehicles.